It's been so long no have time to cooking. So let's cooking yummy and sexy food! Wish you always in the pink and blessed.
Sweet and spicy Tilapia grilled ala chef Ana chan.
500g fresh Tilapia fishes
5tbsp sweet soy sauce
3 pieces of small limes
2cm Ginger
2cm Turmeric
5 red chilis
1tbsp Coriander
2tbs salt
5tbsp Tamarind liquid

1. Wash the Tilapia then give them limes squash for cleaning the stench of the fishes. Let it stand 10 minutes.
2. Blend the spices (ginger, turmeric, coriander, salt, chili and tamarind).
3. Fry the seasoning with butter and sweet soy sauce.
4. Marinate the fish with the seasoning. Then grill the fish onto bbq grills or anti stick pan about 20 minutes.
5. Sweet and spicy Tilapia is ready to serve.
PS. you can change with the fish/meat/chicken that you like and dosage of ingredients that you want.

Ikan Nila bakar pedas manis ala ana chan

2ekor/500g ikan nila segar
5sdm Kecap manis
3 Jeruk nipis kecil
2cm Jahe
2cm kunyit
5buah cabe merah
1sdm Ketumbar
2sdt Garam
5sdm air asam jawa

1. Cuci bersih ikan kemudian berilah perasan jeruk nipis untuk menghilangkan bau amis ikan. Diamkan 10menit.
2. Haluskan bumbu (jahe, kunyit, ketumbar, garam, cabe dan asam jawa).
3. Tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan bersama 2sdm mentega dan kecap dengan api sedang.
4. Lumuri ikan dengan bumbu. Lalu bakar diatas arang atau Teflon anti lengket selama kurang lebih 20menit.
5. Angkat dan sajikan.
Anda bisa mengganti ikan dengan daging atau ayam dan takaran bumbu sesuai selera. Selamat mencoba!