Who am i?


it's been so long i am not back to my neglected blog. i used to think that i will write about my experiences such traveling, feed, review, culinary and whatever. but so sorry it was always pending. i hope it is the initial step to do it. well to begin with, let me introduce myself as well. 

My name is Uswatun Hasanah. People calls me Ana as usual. i come from one of wonderful natural country named Indonesia and also originally born in Jakarta, indonesia. I am the only child in my family.
My Passion are travelling, sports and culinary


I started to travel alone when i was 20th years old. Actually it is an accident in love. why? i would tell you in another story. so keep in touch. why do you love travelling? well, travelling is a passion and medicine for me. I love to learn culture and language. by travelling is the best way to learn them. Not only to learn people but also to learn ourselves. It help me to learn myself one by one. I also try to out from  my comfort zone. I travel with backpacker style. So, it is litelary meaningful for me.

Travel as much as you can, as long as you can, as far as you can, life is not meant to be lived in one place.


Since i was kid i love to do sport. My favorite sports are badminton, jogging and yoga. Badminton is so popular in my country. Most of indonesian know and love it. What about jogging? jogging is the cheapest and simple sport so you can do it anywhere. And then yoga is my new favorite sport. I just fell in love 2 years ago. i do yoga at least once a week. I love it because it is calm, relax and also has beautiful poses. 


Everybody needs food to life. But for me meal is one of artistic. I always fail to diet hahaha i love to try unique food and also love to cooking. Sometimes i just seen receipt for a momment then practice directly. Although my food is not really good but i love cooking by myself. I think, that i would be appreciated when someone wanted my food and also cooking for my future family. 

This is one of food made by me.

well, it was little bit about myself. I hope i will have much time to share on my blog. Thank you for your kindly to read my blog. You can also see my review and feed on my:
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