Start from couple of week "Om Telolet Om" is becoming tranding topic world wide not only on twitter, facebook and youtube but also on instagram. I wrote about this phenomenon because of i got many messages from my foreign friends asking about that. and theeeeeeeeeen to tell about that it's better to explain here, i personally believe that more than ten people curious and have similiar quetions:
What is Om telolet om? who is om telolet om? where is Om telolet om come from?
It became viral after many popular Dj wrote status updates on their social media and also spamming below comments.

well what is "Om  telolet om" actually?

The words "Om" means uncle/sir that call in Bahasa Indonesia and telolet literally comes from the horn sound of bus. So, the phrase means to ask the bus driver who calls as om to honk the horn. The Phenomenon is already happend long time on the road where the interprovince buses thru. Near the road in Jepara, Indonesia standing and waiting kids with piece of paper for asking "Om Telolet Om! (Sir, honk the horn please!)". If their wish granted by the driver they would be glad and happy. In that small case what we can learn is that simple happiness. To get happiness is not from what we have and what we pay. 

and after this phenomenon the telolet hunter is getting more and more not only the kids but also for adults. Hunting and recording telolet are such ridiculus activity that makes happy. In short time telolet even inspires the Dj's to create remix music from the telolet sound. Check it out!

For the community of bus lover or as call as "Bus mania" this phenomenon is basic usual. There's also the competition of telolet. With the horn the driver could honk many songs that very unique. Here they are!

Thank you for read my blog. Dont forget to follow, like and share if you find this thread informative and also you can give me advice by the comment below :)

Pancake Nutella Jaring keju with oreo ala Chef Ana Chan

1 gelas Tepung terigu
1butir Telur
200ml Susu segar cair
2sdm Mentega cair
2sdm Gula tapi saya ganti madu agar lebih sehat
Sejumput garam
1sdt Baking powder
Oreo bubuk

Cara membuat:
1. Campurkan tepung terigu,susu,telur,mentega,gula/madu,dan baking powder. 2. Aduk bahan-bahan tersebut hingga menjadi adonan halus.Gunakan mixer atau bisa dengan blender jika membuat dalam porsi kecil.
3. Panaskan wajan/pan anti lengket.
4. Tuang adonan ke wajan dengan menggunakan centong sayur. Taburkan oreo diatasnya.
5. Masak selama 1-2 menit.
6. Sajikan dengan selai Nutella dan keju. Taburkan oreo diatasnya sesuai selera

Untuk membuat jaring, masukkan adonan ke plastik dan ikat. Gunting salah satu ujung plastik. Masak dengan membentuknya seperti jaring. Hias sesuai selera!
Nutella cheese net Pancake with Oreo ala chef Ana Chan
1 cup flour
1 egg
200ml fresh milk
2tbs melted butter
1tbs sugar but I rather to use honey for healthy ground
A little bit salt
1sdt Baking powder
Cheddar cheese
Oreo powder

1. Mix the flour, fresh milk, butter,sugar/honey, and baking powder.
2. Stir the ingredients to be smooth dough. Use mixer or blender for small portion.
3. Heat on the pan (anti stick pan)
4. Pour dough into the pan with scoop. Sow Oreo powder on the top of dough
5. Cook 1-2 minutes
6. Serve with Nutella and cheese. Sow with oreo into.

For makes the net,put the dough into plastic and bundle it. Cut one of the edge of plastic. Cook and make it like net. Finally, Serve with your own!

Mau dapet update lebih banyak? jangan lupa mampir ke
my instagram: @uswatunhasanah


it's been so long i am not back to my neglected blog. i used to think that i will write about my experiences such traveling, feed, review, culinary and whatever. but so sorry it was always pending. i hope it is the initial step to do it. well to begin with, let me introduce myself as well. 

My name is Uswatun Hasanah. People calls me Ana as usual. i come from one of wonderful natural country named Indonesia and also originally born in Jakarta, indonesia. I am the only child in my family.
My Passion are travelling, sports and culinary


I started to travel alone when i was 20th years old. Actually it is an accident in love. why? i would tell you in another story. so keep in touch. why do you love travelling? well, travelling is a passion and medicine for me. I love to learn culture and language. by travelling is the best way to learn them. Not only to learn people but also to learn ourselves. It help me to learn myself one by one. I also try to out from  my comfort zone. I travel with backpacker style. So, it is litelary meaningful for me.

Travel as much as you can, as long as you can, as far as you can, life is not meant to be lived in one place.


Since i was kid i love to do sport. My favorite sports are badminton, jogging and yoga. Badminton is so popular in my country. Most of indonesian know and love it. What about jogging? jogging is the cheapest and simple sport so you can do it anywhere. And then yoga is my new favorite sport. I just fell in love 2 years ago. i do yoga at least once a week. I love it because it is calm, relax and also has beautiful poses. 


Everybody needs food to life. But for me meal is one of artistic. I always fail to diet hahaha i love to try unique food and also love to cooking. Sometimes i just seen receipt for a momment then practice directly. Although my food is not really good but i love cooking by myself. I think, that i would be appreciated when someone wanted my food and also cooking for my future family. 

This is one of food made by me.

well, it was little bit about myself. I hope i will have much time to share on my blog. Thank you for your kindly to read my blog. You can also see my review and feed on my:
instagram @uswatunhasanah
twitter @uswatunh_ana
snapchat uswatun-hasanah
facebook Uswatun Hasanah 'Ana'