Resep mudah memasak Pancake (Easy to make pancake)

Pancake Nutella Jaring keju with oreo ala Chef Ana Chan

1 gelas Tepung terigu
1butir Telur
200ml Susu segar cair
2sdm Mentega cair
2sdm Gula tapi saya ganti madu agar lebih sehat
Sejumput garam
1sdt Baking powder
Oreo bubuk

Cara membuat:
1. Campurkan tepung terigu,susu,telur,mentega,gula/madu,dan baking powder. 2. Aduk bahan-bahan tersebut hingga menjadi adonan halus.Gunakan mixer atau bisa dengan blender jika membuat dalam porsi kecil.
3. Panaskan wajan/pan anti lengket.
4. Tuang adonan ke wajan dengan menggunakan centong sayur. Taburkan oreo diatasnya.
5. Masak selama 1-2 menit.
6. Sajikan dengan selai Nutella dan keju. Taburkan oreo diatasnya sesuai selera

Untuk membuat jaring, masukkan adonan ke plastik dan ikat. Gunting salah satu ujung plastik. Masak dengan membentuknya seperti jaring. Hias sesuai selera!
Nutella cheese net Pancake with Oreo ala chef Ana Chan
1 cup flour
1 egg
200ml fresh milk
2tbs melted butter
1tbs sugar but I rather to use honey for healthy ground
A little bit salt
1sdt Baking powder
Cheddar cheese
Oreo powder

1. Mix the flour, fresh milk, butter,sugar/honey, and baking powder.
2. Stir the ingredients to be smooth dough. Use mixer or blender for small portion.
3. Heat on the pan (anti stick pan)
4. Pour dough into the pan with scoop. Sow Oreo powder on the top of dough
5. Cook 1-2 minutes
6. Serve with Nutella and cheese. Sow with oreo into.

For makes the net,put the dough into plastic and bundle it. Cut one of the edge of plastic. Cook and make it like net. Finally, Serve with your own!

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my instagram: @uswatunhasanah

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